How to Make a PB&J Sandwich…Step 5

Step 5: Cut it with love & enjoy!

You have made it to the final step to making a PB&J sandwich! This is the most anticipated step for someone who is really craving a great PB&J sandwich. You are going to want to take your two slices of bread and put them together with the peanut butter and jelly touching each other. A lot of people will then pick it up, eat it, and go on their way; however, they are missing an important step. This step involves you taking a knife or spoon and cutting it with love diagonally through the middle. I promise this step will for sure make your PB&J sandwich taste so much better. The best beverage to have with your PB&J sandwich is a cold glass of milk. Now it is time to eat and enjoy it!

If you are feeling a little adventurous, try the Upgraded PB&J


How to Make a PB&J Sandwich…Step 2

Step 2: Get the peanut butter and bread

Now that you have your jelly or jam ready to go, the next step is to grab your peanut butter and bread. Because I make a lot of PB&J sandwiches, my peanut butter and bread live in the same drawer for convenience. Jif is a great brand and my go-to for my peanut butter selection. Creamy and crunchy peanut butter is all about preference. If you are someone who prefers a smooth taste, doesn’t like a lot of texture, and doesn’t like peanuts, creamy is probably for you. If you are someone who likes that extra crunch, doesn’t mind the texture, and loves peanuts, you should probably choose crunchy.

Now you are going to need something to spread your PB&J on to make it a sandwich. There are so many brands to choose from when it comes to bread. I prefer to use the Bunny brand. This brand is budget friendly and taste really good. There are different choices within the Bunny brand, for example, wheat, white, and whole grain. You will need to grab one or two slices of bread depending on if you want a sandwich or a fold-over sandwich.

After you have selected the peanut butter and bread, continue on to step 3.



How to Make a PB&J Sandwich…Step 1

Step 1: Get the Jelly

Things you will need:

  • jelly or jam
  • peanut butter
  • bread
  • spoon or knife

The first step to creating a great PB&J sandwich is grabbing the jelly from the refrigerator. Jelly or jam will work fine to make your PB&J sandwich. I like to use jam because it spreads much easier on bread compared to jelly. My favorite two brands to use are Welch’s and Smucker’s. These brands are made with high quality fruit, so they have great taste. There are many flavors of jelly and jam, for example, apple, blackberry, grape, mango plum, boysenberry, raspberry, and strawberry.

So grab your favorite jelly or jam and continue to Step 2!